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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Readers in Evergreen!

22nd Nov 2024

This week, in Evergreen class, we have been 'Living Life In All Its Fullness' by enjoying reading and developing opportunities for reading for pleasure. We all enjoy sharing stories together and discussing what we like and don't like about different texts. This week, we have had our playtimes in class due to the weather and this has given some of us the opportunity to read for pleasure in our unstructured time. Some of us, during this time, also decided to write a book review if they found a book that they particularly liked to recommend it for the rest of the class to enjoy. Along with using our phonics skills and reading for pleasure this also allowed us to think about what we actually enjoyed about the story.
Evergreen are also trying to spread their love of reading to the rest of the school by being responsible for taking books out on the playground during our playtimes. We have a beautiful area where we can share and enjoy books. Well done Evergreen class!