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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Returning to school in September 2020 - worry and anxiety? Let that balloon float away!

10th Jul 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

The change that Covid-19 has caused to our lives has been difficult and has provided a lot of challenges. For many children, the uncertainty and disruption to everyday life has caused worry and anxiety. I found these tasks online from my little boys’ school and thought they were really helpful so i'd share them with you. They are designed to help children process the current situation, begin to make sense of it and plan for returning to a different normal.

Think -

Ask your child to think about how they are feeling about returning to school. Can they list two or three feelings? Explain to your child that it is okay to feel like this and many children across the world are most likely feeling the same. Your child could draw a heart or a rainbow for other children and list kind words for them.

Talk -

Does your child have any questions about what school will be like when they eventually return? Or any questions about what they have noticed since returning? Discuss the changes that will be in place when they return or the changes that are already in place e.g. more handwashing and bubbles, etc. Then talk about all of the things that will remain the same e.g. wearing the same uniform, seeing the same teachers in school and friends, etc.

Do -

The thought of returning to school will fill many children with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Why not make a positivity box? Your child could add items to this box that make them feel safe and provide comfort e.g. a smooth stone to hold. When they are feeling apprehensive, they could choose an item from the box to hold and think about a time when they felt calm.

Visit -

Use this Balloon game to encourage your child to record their worries about returning to school.

Stay safe, take care and have a wonderful summer. 

Miss Tullett x