Sensational Oracy!
25th Apr 2024
Living life in all its fullness, we have been using our oracy skills to teach each other about our new significant person- Ada Lovelace. In groups, we had to read the information about an aspect of her life three times, we had to ask each other questions about the information and then choose our three favourite sentences. We then wrote the information on a presentation flip chart. We gave each other a line to present to the class and practised reading it so we knew what to say. Finally, we presented the information to the class making sure that we spoke at a suitable volume, spoke clearly and looked at the people we were speaking to. We learnt that Ada was born in 1815 and was the daughter of the famous British poet, Lord Byron. She studied maths and science which was very unusual for girls at that time. She is thought to be the world's first comptuter progammer!
Holly Hill Church School, New Street, Rubery, Rednal, Birmingham B45 0EU | 0121 675 8700