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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Welcome Back Evergreen Class!

9th Jan 2025

This week, we have been 'Living Life In All Its Fullness' in Evergreen Class by welcoming each other back in the new year. We have had a wonderful first week back exploring money in Math as well as the different life processes in Science. In English, we have been enjoying a new text called Mother Earth is Weeping. This book has links to our new courageous advocate Greta Thunberg. This has led us to become 'Science Detectives' and we have been looking at the impact and causes of climate change, water pollution and deforestation. We have explored the affect of oil spills on feathers to see the impact this has on birds and wildlife. We have discovered what is happening to out polar ice caps due to global warming and the impact that this has and we are also carrying out experiments to see the affect of acid rain on plants and soil.