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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Year 2's trip to the mosque and church....

14th Nov 2024

Last week, Year 2 lived 'Life in all its Fullness' by visiting two very special places of worship. We started the morning by visiting a mosque. We were so interested to learn more about the Muslim way of life and had a really interesting time. The Iman showed us the special washroom where people must wash themselves before they can pray. We then went upstairs to the special room where Muslim people go to pray. The prayer mats were beautiful! We finished the morning by watching a presentation about different mosques around the world. 
We then visited a church in the afternoon! We learned what the world 'worship' meant and joined in with some songs and dances. We then listened to the story of 'The Good Samaritan' which was special because it was one of the stained glass windows. Some children acted the story out and then we made our own pictures to match the story. We have a very enjoyable day!