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Behaviour Statement

Holly Hill Methodist - Church of England (Aided)

Infant & Nursery School

The Governing Body’s Statement of General Principles Covering Measures

for the Promotion of Outstanding Standards of Behaviour 


As a Christian school our vision is to promote ‘Life in all its Fullness.’ Our ethos is based on our 12 Christian values of hope, honesty, patience, joy, forgiveness, tolerance, thankfulness, respect, kindness, friendship, gentleness and love. It is within the vision and the ethos that that the Governing Body of Holly Hill Methodist - CofE (Aided) Infant & Nursery School wishes to state the following general principles for the guidance of the Headteacher and staff in matters concerning the promotion of outstanding standards of behaviour:

  1. All children should be encouraged to have respect for themselves, their peers and for adults.
  2. All children should be supported to develop their emotional intelligence; developing their self-awareness, self-esteem and self-regulation.  Children’s emotional well-being and emotional intelligence are central to the learning process and are intrinsic elements of education.  Supporting children’s emotional intelligence and well-being will help them to manage their behaviour more effectively and will contribute to improved learning. 

    3.       Pupils are expected to take personal responsibility for their own behaviour.  Aggressive behaviour, whether it is verbal, physical, mental or emotional, is not acceptable.

    4.       Providing high quality education and ensuring the safety and welfare of the majority of children in school are of paramount importance.  Issues concerning individual children may therefore sometimes need to be subsumed to the interests of the majority.

    5.       There remains, however, a significant responsibility to every individual child and to his/her parents. 

    6.       Vulnerable pupils, such as those with special educational needs, physical or mental health needs, migrant and refugee pupils and looked after children should receive educational and behavioural support according to their need.

    7.       Every effort must be made to try to identify the causes of a child’s negative behaviour.  All feasible steps should be taken to provide appropriate support for a child and his/her parents to help the child to improve his/her behaviour.

    8.       Professional, mutually respectful relationships should be fostered with all parents.  Any concerns regarding a child’s behaviour should be discussed with parents immediately so that parents and school can work together to help the child to improve his/her behaviour.

    9.       If professional advice or intervention is needed to help a child to improve his/her behaviour then a referral must be made to the relevant outside agencies; paediatrician, family support worker, behaviour support service, the educational psychologist or CAMHS as appropriate.

    10.     Corporal punishment is absolutely forbidden.

    11.      Children are encouraged to be responsible for their own actions and behaviour.

    Positive behaviour management should be used at all times to develop and maintain a positive behaviour environment which is conducive to learning.

    Good behaviour will be actively promoted using praise, encouragement and meaningful rewards.

    Inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with using a range of sanctions including:

  • carrying out additional but meaningful tasks;
  • loss of privileges, including the loss of the privilege of school attendance;
  • special arrangements for supervision or for monitoring  behaviour.

12.     Exclusion from school is to be avoided if at all possible.  The ultimate sanction of permanent exclusion from school is only to be used in exceptional circumstances, where deemed appropriate by the headteacher in accordance with the guidance.

13.     The governing body acknowledges that for the safety of children and staff, and for the provision of effective teaching and learning, positive handling may be needed to manage challenging behaviour.

14.     All members of the school community are expected to develop and maintain mutually respectful relationships.  The expectation that children should have respect for authority places a very heavy responsibility on those in authority to exercise it fairly and to demonstrate respect through their actions.

15.     The school has a commitment to improving outcomes for all pupils and to eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying, as well as promoting equality of opportunity, the welfare of pupils and good relations across the whole school community.