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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Comittee Membership and Dates of Meetings


Governor Meeting Agendas


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

1) Welcome & Vision

a) Vision Statement

a) Vision Statement

a) Vision Statement

a) Vision Statement

a) Vision Statement

a) Vision Statement

2) Opening Items

a)  Apologies

b)  Declarations/PI

c)  Previous Minutes

d) Matters arising

a)  Apologies

b)     Declarations/PI

c) Previous Minutes

a) Matters arising

a)  Apologies

b)     Declarations/PI

c) Previous Minutes

d) Matters arising

a) Apologies

b)     Declarations/PI

c) Previous Minutes

d) Matters arising

a) Apologies

b)     Declarations/PI

c) Previous Minutes

d) Matters arising

a) Apologies

b)     Declarations/PI

c) Previous Minutes

d) Matters arising

3) Governing Body Items

a) Appointments*

b) TOR, HT’s Delegated Powers

c)  Pecuniary Interest Register

d) Code of Conduct

e) Audit Tool (2yearly)

f) Skills Matrix

g) Annual Requirements

h) Gifts & Hospitality

a) Training requirements

a) Gifts & Hospitality


a) Gifts & Hospitality

a) Dates of meetings for next academic year

b) Succession Planning & Nominations*

4) Policies & Other

a) Policies

b) Pupil Numbers and Admissions

c)  Policies

a)  School Meal Provision

a)  Policies

a) Policies

b) Website

c) Cyber Security

d) GDPR Report

a) Policies

b) Risk Assessment Register

a) Policies

5) Finance & Premises

Fire Risk

a) Appendices 1, 2 & 3

b) Virements

c) £10k Suppliers

d) Draft Budget/ Contracts Approval

e) Treasurer’s Report

f) Premises Monitoring

g) QQI Progress Report

h) Premises Inspection Report

i) Disposal of Assets


a) SFVS & Statement of Internal Control

b) Benchmarking

c) Purchase Card Approval & Petty Cash Level

d) Account Status Report

e) Approval of School Fund Accounts

a) Approval of Budget

b) 3 Year Forecast

c) Charging & Remissions

d) Appendices 1, 2 & 3

e) Virements

f) £10k Suppliers

g) Account Status Report

a) Letting Fees

b) Health & Safety

c) Approval of Governor Accounts

a) Budget Carry Forward & Surplus/Deficit Analysis

b) Monitoring Statement

c) Virements

d) £10k Suppliers

e) Account Status Report

6) Staffing

a)  Verbal Update

a)  Verbal Update

b) Appraisal/PM

a) Verbal Update

b) Wellbeing & Worklife Balance

a) Verbal Update

a) Verbal Update

a) Verbal Update

b) Staffing Structure for next year

7) School Improvement

a) End of KS1 Results

b) SIP Discussion and Approval

a) Pupil Progress Data

a) SIP Targets Progress

b) Quality of Teaching

c) SEF

a) Pupil Progress Data

b) SIP Targets Progress

c)  Quality of Teaching

d) SEF

a) Review Outcomes

b) Agree Areas for Development

8) Governor Reports

a) Mental Health




b) Safeguarding

c) Worship

d) Parent Voice

e) Pupil Progress



a) Church School Distinctiveness

a) Curriculum

b) Pupil Voice

c) Pupil Progress

d) Safeguarding

a) Behaviour

a) Pupil Premium

b) Staff Voice

c) Safeguarding 

d) Pupil Progress

9) Preparing for Ofsted

a) How ready are we for Ofsted


a) How ready are we for Ofsted


a) How ready are we for Ofsted


10) Any Other Business

a) AOB

a) AOB

a) AOB

a) AOB

a) AOB

a) AOB

10) Closing Items

a) Next Meeting

a) Next Meeting

a) Next Meeting

a) Next Meeting

a) Next Meeting

a) Next Meeting

*Appointments: Chair, Vice Chair, SEND gov, Safeguarding gov, PEPP gov, SIAMS gov

Dates of Meetings September 2022 - July 2023

Date Committee Apologies
09.10.2023 Full Governing Board

Gary Hopkins, Charlotte Taylor, Cleopas Sibanda

13.10.2023 Pay Committee None
27.11.2023 Full Governing Board Gary Hopkins, Charlotte Taylor
15.12.2022 Extraordinary FGB

Aisha Abdallah-Joda, Keith Campbell, Barbara Easton, 

Absent - Cleopas Sibanda

29.01.2024 Full Governing Board

Emma Collins

18.03.2024 Full Governing Board

Christian Bromley and Cleopas Sibands

13.05.2024 Full Governing Board Christian Bromley, Keith Campbell, Karen Handford, Gary Hopkins
15.07.2024 Full Governing Board