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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham


2022/2023 School Year

19th May 2023
Congratulations to Leo who has completed his reading diary.  Leo has worked...
19th May 2023
What wonderful week it has been full of kindness!  All of the children have...
19th May 2023
This week in Maple class we have been 'Living Life in all it's Fullness' reading...
18th May 2023
The children work so hard with their writing and the progress they have made since...
18th May 2023
Last week, Beech class lived life in all its fullness by visiting Cadbury World......
18th May 2023
We have been reading and writing about the alternative Little Red Riding Hood story,...
18th May 2023
Cedar class have been working hard to develop their writing skills. We are focusing...
15th May 2023
Congratulations to Caleb for being a Holly Hill Reading Superstar.  Caleb...
14th May 2023
Well done to all of the children who have recieved a thankfulness award this week. ...
12th May 2023
The children have been practising all the maths skills they have learnt so far....