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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

News - Reception

12th Jul 2024
What a great week it has been here at Holly Hill! You have all shown the value of...
11th Jul 2024
As we come to the end of another school year, I want to take a moment to reflect...
9th Jul 2024
Please take a look at the exciting activities taking place at Frankley library over...
5th Jul 2024
This week, our value in school has been Tolerance. Mr Carr challenged shared with...
4th Jul 2024
The children have had a wonderful time Living Life in all its Fullness on our school...
27th Jun 2024
Here are some of the activities the children have been enjoying in our Reception...
20th Jun 2024
The children in Willow Class have had another wonderful week engaging in a variety...
13th Jun 2024
The children have thoroughly enjoyed reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric...
6th Jun 2024
It has been lovely to welcome all the children back for their final term in reception!.  I...
24th May 2024
Today the children learnt all about John Wesley to Celebrate Aldersgate Day. John...