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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

News - Homepage

21st Mar 2024
We have been learning about Spring and new life in the form of plants and baby animals....
20th Mar 2024
This week while living life in all its fullness we have been celebrating Easter!...
20th Mar 2024
Well done to all of the children who received a Hope Award this week! You have all...
16th Mar 2024
During PE we have been working on Achieving Body Control (ABC) which focuses on core...
15th Mar 2024
This week in Evergreen class we have been 'Living Life in All It's Fullness' celebrating...
15th Mar 2024
Today we came to school in our own clothes for Red Nose Day! We donated £1...
15th Mar 2024
The children have been living life in all its fullness celebrating Red Nose Day!...
14th Mar 2024
This week we have had so much fun and truly been 'Living Life in all it's Fullness.'...