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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

News - Homepage

6th Jun 2024
Well done Blossom Class for doing lots of reading at home. We are so proud of you....
6th Jun 2024
Welcome back everyone, we hope you had a great half term and you are ready and raring...
6th Jun 2024
The children have been looking at the value of respect and how it links to our theme...
24th May 2024
This week we have been 'Living Life in all its Fullness' by celebrating Aldersgate...
24th May 2024
This week in Evergreen class we have been 'Living Life In All Its Fullness' Celebrating...
24th May 2024
This afternoon we have been 'Living Life in all it's Fullness' by celebrating Aldersgate...
24th May 2024
Living life in all its fullness, we reminded ourselves what a wonderful and significant...
24th May 2024
Today the children learnt all about John Wesley to Celebrate Aldersgate Day. John...
24th May 2024
This week the children have been living life in all its fullness celebrating Aldersgate...
24th May 2024
We have been learning about the reasons that we reflect upon Aldersgate Day as a...